City of Milpitas Below Market Rate (BMR) Program is designed to assist income eligible households in becoming homeowners. Homebuyers apply for a wait list for a BMR unit and the city provides limited down payment assistance for some approved households.
Monday - Friday | 8 am - 5 pm |
Documentation Needed to Enroll
Proof is required for individuals with preference, including Milpitas residents, individuals who work in Milpitas, former Milpitas residents who have been displaced, and families with children enrolled in the McKinney Vento Program at MUSD.
Citizenship Requirements
No citizenship requirements
Counties Served
Santa Clara
What to do next
Click to visit link -
Visit the website to complete and send an application.
Call 408-586-3222
Call the Housing Division for more information.
Mon - Fri 8 am - 5 pm Sat - Sun Closed
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