Digital Library Card is available to residents of Los Angeles County ages 18 and over. With the card you can get immediate, unlimited, and free access to LA County Library's online resources, including eBooks, audio books, and movie and TV streaming.
Monday - Friday | 12 pm - 6 pm |
All locations are closed, but phone/text/chat are available during these times.
Eligibility Requirements
Resident of Los Angeles County,
Must be age 18 or older to sign up for a digital library card. Children under 18 must have a parent or guardian sign their library card application.
ADA accessible
Accessibility notes
Sign Language interpreters, Assistive Listening Devices, or other auxiliary aids and/or services may be provided upon request. LA Public Library's website meets W3C’s Accessibility Guidelines.
Citizenship Requirements
No citizenship requirements
Available Languages
Counties Served
Los Angeles
What to do next
Click to visit link -
Please visit website to sign up for a digital library card.
(Skye Patrick (Library Director))
Please email for more information.
This opportunity does not have a location or its location is private. This opportunity can be accessed in Los Angeles, California.
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