Enroll in a law-related education program for youth
Fresh Lifelines for Youth (FLY)
Verified Information

Fresh Lifelines for Youth (FLY) offers a 12-week Law Program for youth. The program provides law-related education, group mentoring and a field trip. The Law program is held at schools, community centers, and juvenile facilities.
Eligibility Requirements
A referrals for this program from probation departments; school teachers, counselors, and administrators; social workers; and family and community members.,
ADA accessible
Citizenship Requirements
No citizenship requirements
Counties Served
Contra Costa,
San Mateo,
Santa Clara
What to do next
Click to visit link - https://flyprogram.org/.../
Visit the link for more information.
See the contact information listed below and call or email the appropriate person for the county nearest your location for more information.
This opportunity does not have a location or its location is private. This opportunity can be accessed in Santa Clara County, California, USA.
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