Marin Ranch Camp is an overnight summer adventure camp located at the Walker Creek Ranch Outdoor Education Center in West Marin. Activities include biking, swimming, archery, hiking, and more. There are 5 and 10 day sessions available.
ADA accessible
Citizenship Requirements
No citizenship requirements
Cost Details
$1,195 for 5 day session for 2nd - 5th graders. $1395 for 5 day sessions for 6th - 12th graders. $2,650 for 10 day sessions.
Cost or fees
Financial aid
Financial aid/fee waiver available,
Up to 50% financial aid is available. Learn more and apply on the website's FAQ page.
Counties Served
Eligibility Requirements
Age: 7 – 17
What to do next
(General Information)
Email for more information.
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Visit the link for more information, and to register for upcoming sessions.
Call 415-388-4386
Call to learn more about the summer camp program.
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