Get low-cost legal advice and assistance regarding immigration issues
Los Angeles County Bar Association
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The Immigration Legal Assistance Project is made of experienced immigration attorney staff, paralegals and volunteer attorneys who provide immigration legal advice for U.S. Citizens, immigrants, and aliens. It can help prepare immigration and naturalization forms and translate, certify, notarize and copy documents.
Monday - Friday | 8 am - 3 pm |
The clinic is closed noon to 1 PM daily.
Eligibility Requirements
ADA accessible
Citizenship Requirements
No citizenship requirements
Cost Details
$20 consultation fee, may be waived depending on circumstances.
Cost or fees
Counties Served
Los Angeles
What to do next
Call 213-485-0143
Call for more information and to schedule an appointment.
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Visit link for more information.
Go in person
The clinic in offered at the federal building in downtown Los Angeles, 300 N. Los Angeles Street, Room 3107, Los Angeles, CA 90012, Monday to Friday: 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM and 1:00 to 3:00 PM.
Immigration Legal Assistance Project300 North Los Angeles Street
Room 3107 (3rd floor)
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Immigration Legal Assistance Project
300 North Los Angeles Street
Room 3107 (3rd floor)
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Get directions
347.9 miles away
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