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Harbor Interfaith Services
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6 members used this service
Harbor Interfaith Services is a Coordinated Entry System Access Center for SPA 8 that provides services for individuals and families with minor children or pregnant adults who are at-risk of homelessness or who are homeless, including housing support, case management, and connection to other services.
Eligibility Requirements
Cooridnated Entry services offered to both single adults and for families with minor children or pregnant adults
ADA accessible
Citizenship Requirements
No citizenship requirements
Coordinated Entry
SPA 8 for adults and families
Counties Served
Los Angeles
What to do next
Call 424-276-3602
Call this number for single adults to get Coordinated Entry services.
Call 310-831-0589
Call for families to get Coordinated Entry services.
Go in person
Visit in person to get Coordinated Entry services. Individuals can access drop-in support Monday - Friday 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Families can access drop-in support Monday - Friday 10:00AM - 5:30PM.
Harbor Interfaith - Coordinated Entry Access Point599 West 9th Street
San Pedro, CA 90731
Harbor Interfaith - Coordinated Entry Access Point
599 West 9th Street
San Pedro, CA 90731
Get directions
362.9 miles away Mon - Fri 8:30 am - 5:30 pm Sat - Sun Closed
Closed daily 12:30PM - 1:30PM
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"I have tried twice and was encouraged to look into other organizations for assistance, especially when I said yes I own a car. The lady did not allow me to tell her that my car transmission went out, I cannot afford to replace it, so it’s at the dealership and I guess I’m going to have to leave it there. Otherwise I would just stay in my car. In addition I believe I qualify within guidelines for being a current domestic violence victim as well as being disabled and on SSDI. In addition, I have new disability, I lost my eye sight in one eye and still need treatment to save my eye but SSA has removed my Medicare Part B eligibility and I have a Representative Payee who bailed on me and won’t call or go to local SSA office with me to request Part B be reinstated. I had a job until my car died, I started my own small business this year as Mobile Notary Signing Agent But now since I’ve had to take two months off because of my car and then because of my eye being blinded I’ve had no other income coming in from the business and I have to move, well I have to leave because I’m not actually a tenant. And if I don’t leave that I am not risk for abuse, definitely emotional, definitely harassment, bullying, and there is a past history of violence, which has been documented. So I was calling to inquire about a program that I was told about that’s like a three month program from streets to a rental unit, I am sure I can handle all the rest of my problems but it’s a little bit hard to tell when you’re staying somewhere where you’re not wanted and reminded daily or threatened daily. I called these people on two occasions, one recent and other was before COVID. It just seems to me like you had a fight just to get them to hear you out or pay attention without passing judgment and making assumptions. Yeah I know many people in the San Pedro area who have had nothing but good experiences and were grateful for their services"
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