Get legal services for Alameda County residents with a criminal record
East Bay Community Law Center (EBCLC)
Verified Information

The Clean Slate Practice of the East Bay Community Law Center helps with getting a certificate of rehabilitation, dismissal of a conviction, early termination of probation, employment denials due to criminal background, errors on criminal background reports, juvenile record sealing, occupational licensing denials, and sealing of arrest record.
Monday - Friday | 9 am - 5 pm |
Eligibility Requirements
Justice involved/incarcerated (current or former),
Resident of Alameda County,
Income limits may apply. Free services are provided to individuals who: Face barriers to employment due to a criminal record; Have municipal or court fines and fees they can't afford to pay; Have a driver’s license suspension due to outstanding fines.
ADA accessible
Citizenship Requirements
No citizenship requirements
Available Languages
Counties Served
What to do next
Call 510-548-4040 ext. 4
Call the Clean Slate program for more information.
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Visit the link to access contact information for legal services for criminal records or arrests.
Mon - Fri 9 am - 5 pm Sat - Sun Closed
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