Find affordable, special needs, and emergency housing
Los Angeles County Housing Resource Center
Verified Information

5 members used this service
Los Angeles County Housing Resource Center keeps an online list of affordable, special-needs, accessible, and emergency housing within the County of Los Angeles. Search by location and type.
Monday - Friday | 6 am - 5 pm |
This schedule is for the toll-free call center. The online rental search is available online 24 hours a day seven days a week.
Eligibility Requirements
People with disabilities,
Resident of Los Angeles County
ADA accessible
Citizenship Requirements
No citizenship requirements
Available Languages
Counties Served
Los Angeles
What to do next
Click to visit link -
Visit the link to view rental properties by county.
Email for more information.
Call 877-428-8844
Call for more information.
This opportunity does not have a location or its location is private. This opportunity can be accessed in Los Angeles, California.
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